TGIF!! I am so glad it is finally Friday.
Do y'all have any plans for the weekend? I know I am headed out with a bunch of friends from work and we are going to a bar that is hosting a couple of great bands.
The one band is Zach Linley and the Rebel Dare Devils.
Love the name of the bar too Uncle Buck's. Reminds me of a wonderful childhood movie. :)

I live out in the country, way out in fact. Our driveway feels like it is a mile long. CrAzY
If you are familiar with well water it can be rough, it can leave rust looks in your tubs, sinks, toilets, and even your hair. I have grown up having well water most of my life. This treatment is good to strip the build up that you can get in your hair too, not that we all get a build up. But it is a good conditioning treatment as well.
My mom and I learned this from a hairdresser of ours also had the hard/ well water. She had blonde hair and it always brightened her blonde, it looked gorgeous afterwards.
This is what you will need:
2 packets of Kool-Aid Lemonade
Your favorite conditioner
a bowl and a spoon
Now take your conditioner and just squeeze a good amount in a bowl. You will want enough to cover your entire head. Next take your packets of Kool-Aid open them up and pour them on top of the conditioner. Mix them together with the spoon.
Now you want your hair to be dry when putting this on.
You will now apply this all over your hair.
I leave mine in my hair for awhile. When my hair was longer I would leave it in for a good hour or longer. Honestly you don't need to leave it in that long. My mom will leave hers in for about 20 minutes. She has really short hair. I did this the other night right before we ate dinner and I left it in while we ate and chatted for awhile, ended up being an hour. So to sum it up I would do 20 minutes for shorter hair and on up to and an hour depending on the length you have. It wont hurt your hair either way.
After it has sat on your hair for awhile, rinse it out and shampoo and your condition your hair like you normally would. Dry it and style like you would too.
Enjoy your fresh revived hair!
Well enjoy your weekend, and come back by on Sunday. My friend Kayla (who I miss terribly) from Kayla's Creations have a link party called Circle of Faith. We would love to have you all stop by and link up with us. We leave it open till Wednesday every week.