This is a huge step for me, I have gone back and forth with wanting to share this with everyone.
I have read this probably about 5 times a day.
It all came about maybe a year and half ago now. Rose was cloth diapering Gigi and she was showing me all the cute diapers she had made and how stinking cute Gigi looked in them. After her sending me a bunch of information about it {which I saved for the day I have kids} I started looking around on some of the blogs and noticed that some of the moms made thier own pads and panty liners. So I looked into it. Now the more and more I read, the more I was wanting to give this a try.
It all came about maybe a year and half ago now. Rose was cloth diapering Gigi and she was showing me all the cute diapers she had made and how stinking cute Gigi looked in them. After her sending me a bunch of information about it {which I saved for the day I have kids} I started looking around on some of the blogs and noticed that some of the moms made thier own pads and panty liners. So I looked into it. Now the more and more I read, the more I was wanting to give this a try.
If you don't mind, I am going to take you back in time, I have had some issues ever since the day I started my period.

I was "bleeding" too much to the point I was passing out. I have had test after test and there has never really been answers for me. They put me on birth control to regulate my system to see if it would help... it did but it didn't. I was still having issues with passing out. Its bad when you know when your getting ready to go and you brace yourself for a fall. The last time {knock on wood} I have passed out was this past February {2012}. The last few times I have been home alone and it was so scary for me. Andrew was at work and my mom was all the way in Illinois. She has always been around for every pass out episode. I was in tears over it and couldn't believe it happened with me by myself. Thank goodness I had Rose and Kayla here, Rose was only about 5 minutes away, and Kayla is right around the corner. I knew I could call one of them if I needed. :) {thanks ladies!}
Now some of you are probably thinking have you had your iron checked? Yes and it is no where near being too low. I am actually right where it needs to be, if not a little over.
Now here I am and its August and I have not had an episode since! :)
I was "bleeding" too much to the point I was passing out. I have had test after test and there has never really been answers for me. They put me on birth control to regulate my system to see if it would help... it did but it didn't. I was still having issues with passing out. Its bad when you know when your getting ready to go and you brace yourself for a fall. The last time {knock on wood} I have passed out was this past February {2012}. The last few times I have been home alone and it was so scary for me. Andrew was at work and my mom was all the way in Illinois. She has always been around for every pass out episode. I was in tears over it and couldn't believe it happened with me by myself. Thank goodness I had Rose and Kayla here, Rose was only about 5 minutes away, and Kayla is right around the corner. I knew I could call one of them if I needed. :) {thanks ladies!}
Now some of you are probably thinking have you had your iron checked? Yes and it is no where near being too low. I am actually right where it needs to be, if not a little over.
Now here I am and its August and I have not had an episode since! :)
Back to the panty liner aka Mama Pad..... After some research and wanting to make my own, and lots of talking back and forth with Rose, we both made our own. {This is actually her pattern}
Okay, I hope your not getting disgusted. But let me tell you... I have felt so much better!
Here is a link that made me look into this a lot more. I was amazed at what I read. I pretty much had my mind made up after reading this.
Now did you click on her link? If not check this out!
Do you know what your looking at? Click on the link below the picture and it will tell you!
Crazy right? Well after I saw this picture I was off to my sewing machine and ready to make my own pads/ panty liners aka Mama Pads!!
So I do make my own "pads" too. I wasn't going to spill the beans about it.
But it slipped, oh well!
But it slipped, oh well!
I don't always wear my homemade pads. I use them at "home", if I am out and about or traveling I do use the disposable ones. Except my panty liners. I always used to use Always, and now I use Kotex. But its all your own opinion or just whats on SALE at that time. Right?
There is places out there that you can buy your own. Check out Etsy, I looked there to see how the shapes were. I have noticed that they are called Mama Pads.
Also check out you tube for videos. Love You Tube!
If you want to make your own, Let me know.
If I get enough response I Show & Tell you all how I make my "pads". Its easy!
Also, when you cloth diaper and or use homemade "pads". You will want to have what they call a wet bag. I will Show & Tell you how I made one. It keeps the Oder in and not OUT!
There is so many uses for a wet bag. Swimming is one! Keeps the wet suits away from the dry items.
You will also need to wash them like cloth diapers. I did research and like what one mom did with hers. She has a bucket, or you can use a Tupperware with a lid and keep cold water in it, She lets them soak in there, till its time to wash them, then throws it all into the washer. Do research there is so many ways to {clean} them. Tons of laundry detergent soaps too. I know Rose used, and I have too, Rockin" Green Laundry Detergent. They have samples so you can try all the different kinds they have.
There is so many uses for a wet bag. Swimming is one! Keeps the wet suits away from the dry items.
You will also need to wash them like cloth diapers. I did research and like what one mom did with hers. She has a bucket, or you can use a Tupperware with a lid and keep cold water in it, She lets them soak in there, till its time to wash them, then throws it all into the washer. Do research there is so many ways to {clean} them. Tons of laundry detergent soaps too. I know Rose used, and I have too, Rockin" Green Laundry Detergent. They have samples so you can try all the different kinds they have.
I hope I haven't sacred you away from my blog. This is just all 100% my personal opinion.
Well here is the tutorial!
Before I get started: Rose and I have used Velcro in the past {for the wing closure} and when you move in certain ways you can feel it scrap across your leg. Its not horrible... I still use the ones with Velcro.
But we both use snaps on any new ones we make.
You will trace and cut out the body of your pad, on the fleece.
Then trace and cut out one layer of flannel, the main pad piece.
Your almost done!
Mark where you want your snaps to be.
Now wasn't that simple!
Now do you want to see how I make my other "pads"?
Also, I will be doing a tutorial on my Wet Bag. SOON!
Before I get started: Rose and I have used Velcro in the past {for the wing closure} and when you move in certain ways you can feel it scrap across your leg. Its not horrible... I still use the ones with Velcro.
But we both use snaps on any new ones we make.
Update: I got the pattern to scan!
Click here to print out the pattern>>>>
If you are unable to print:
Lets make a pattern. Start my getting a strong paper {like card stock or poster board}. You will then want to find a "panty liner" and trace that. Then Trace it again and free hand wings on either side.
If you have a pad that has wings.. measure the inches across and use that as a reference. When Rose made this pattern she just traced a panty liner she had.
Now, cut it out. {I traced mine on a thick magazine cover}
You will need two layers of fleece and one layer of flannel.
You will trace and cut out the body of your pad, on the fleece.
Then trace and cut out one layer of flannel, the main pad piece.
With both layers of fleece together, do an overcasting stitch all the way around.
Then you will want to put the one layer of flannel on top of the fleece and do a zigzag stitch all the way around.
Your almost done!
Mark where you want your snaps to be.
Hammer your snaps on!
Now wasn't that simple!
Now do you want to see how I make my other "pads"?
Also, I will be doing a tutorial on my Wet Bag. SOON!

Those are great! I love how you make yours. I make mind differently but next time I will try your way is seem faster. I think this is good information for women to share. We are not told of the dangers of those chemicals and we are placing them right next to our most intimate parts. Good job on sharing!
Love your post Heather! This is wonderful information & a great tutorial. I need to finally sit down & make myself some when I get home to my sewing machine, they are just too easy not to! I would Love to see how you make your pads, thank you so much for sharing :) <3 & miss you!
I love it when someone shares useful info that helps with day to day life! This is great, Heather. Your homemade liners look SO much more comfortable than disposable ones! I need to make some...thanks for sharing the tut!
BTW, I have extremely heavy periods most of the time. I will bleed a weeks worth in a 6-8 hour time span. Of course, mine are due to pre-menopause! My doc measured my hematocrit and recommended a pelvic ultrasound (which I did not do - I'm a bad patient!) You're too young to loose that much careful!
Great post! I make my own and have posted about it on my blog too. Its a bit of a taboo subject, but really not all that big of a deal. Good on you for creating a little more awareness around the whole subject.
Not only practical but pretty too. Thanks for sharing at this week's BFF Open House.
From one Heather to another just stopping by from Chase the Star to say hi. I loved your site name (Obviously). Growing up I was called Heavenly Heatherly.
This is a great tutorial and information. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for linking this up at Keep Calm and Link Up this week! Very good info here:) hope your having a great weekend!
Barbara @ Chase the Star
With six sisters, this blog was very interesting and we love this idea! We think it's great! We hope you continue to feel good. And thanks so much for linking up to our Strut Your Stuff Saturday! -The Sisters
Hi Heather,
I'm a new follower from the Sasse site link up! Thanks for coming by and following me! Love your blog,
Peggy @ The Painted Pear
I have always wondered about these pads I've seen people make. I like the idea! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for visiting my blog:)
I have used 'mama pads' since 2007, like you I use disposables when travelling our when I am out of the house for long periods but when I am at home I us cloth all the way. Almost everyone I know in real life as grossed out by the fact that I use them, but hey it's not there body, it's mine!
Your tutorial is great. Thank so much for linking up to Totally Pinworthy
Amy xx
That's frightening! Good on your for sharing a difficult subject and for sharing a great alternative.
This is truly amazing, I have never heard of homemade pads! Great info here!!! I really enjoyed this post and thank you for the tutorial!
I am your newest follower , thank you for visiting my blog and good luck on the 200th Follower giveaway!!!!
I have never heard of these! I guess they makes sense, though... after all... what did women use "back in the day". lol
Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)
This is great! I never even heard about making your own. What a money saver too! Thank you for sharing at our
Pinteresting Party!
Smart! I use a diva cup and have loved not having to make sure I have tampons and pads on hand. On the really heavy days I could use a pad too. I never considered making my own. I wondered how they would stay in place. The snaps seems simple and useful. Great idea.
We'd love to have you participate in our new Eat Make Grow blog hop:
We are always looking for bloggers with great content!
Look at all the awesome comments you have!! Your pads are being featured at Serenity You, I was just so excited I had to come tell you.
Awesome! I love that you linked this up to my party because it's GREEN (and I have a whole green living section) and it's fiber! Yay! I've gotta make this, it looks pretty easy! Only thing is, I use tampons and only pads at night. I guess it'd be good for night. Thanks for linking up at Hookin On Hump Day!
I have crazy periods too. I'm really interested in these. They look WAY more comfy than the disposable and more budget friendly too! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Link It Up Thursday.
I featured you this week, Heather, at Hookin On Hump Day! Great post.
Great post, thanks for sharing!
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