Well I have been absent for quite some time now. I have had the year I never thought I would.... It is 2013 and this has been the whirl wind of a year for me. There have been many UPS and many DOWNS. Tons of tears, good and bad, along with amazing times! I have lost and gained friends, but I have learned who the true friends are and they will always be by my side. I have even become closer with friends that I lost throughout the last 10 years of my life.
Today I am sharing what has been going on with me in the last year. But first, I have two people who love reading my blog and this morning while I was getting ready for work, I received a text that said...."FYI heatherly loves has become boring again! Update that shit! blog blog blog" This was from my brothers wonderful girlfriend, Alex. Her and my BFF Kayla love reading my blog. These two have been the ones who always ask what I am going to share next. To be honest lately I have not been in the mood, bloggers block. All you bloggers out there know that it can be time consuming and sometimes a post takes a lot longer than you think it should. You have photos you want to share, but you have to edit them. You type and type and reread everything and find yourself two hours into a post and your only 1/4 of the way done. There goes your day! Why? Cause you just spent the day working on that post to make sure it was perfect. Now this I know I do a lot, we will ramble... which I am doing now. So back to what this post it about.... Me, My Life.
I am going to do my best and not bore you all...
The beginning of this year things changed... Life was not where I thought it would be. Things with my boyfriend (at that time) were changing and I wasn't sure if it was me or him or maybe both of us. Well long story short, we broke up. It was hard, TREMENDOUSLY HARD. After being with someone who you have known since you were 16 and he was 14 and dating for the last 10... you would think I am going to marry this guy. No, that didn't happen. Everything happens for a reason, that's what they say anyways. Well, things do happen for a reason, I have learned this over and over again, just this year. I will not forget the good times we had to together, none of us forget the good times. But, I can say right now in my life I have never felt better about myself and loved myself and god, ever. I was living out in Utah at the time and if it wasn't for the love and support of my family, I would still be there. They helped me move back, they have helped me be happy again and show me how it feels to be loved and love your family again.
I was back at the end of February, job less... I was on the hunt for a job quick. Within three weeks I had found one, started on March 18th. I have been there for almost 8 months now. WOW time has flown already. You know when you have been around a hobby your whole life, and it wasn't by choice it was because you were born into it. You don't always want to have a job that is surrounded by it. I love the R/C hobby! I even fly helicopters and someday I will fly an airplane, maybe even full size. But the whole thing, just was a little a hard for me. If you know me, you know how involved I am and was in the R/C world. So this was not where I wanted to be, okay I will apply, but if I find something better, I will then move on. Well, I LOVE MY JOB. Everyone is wonderful, I have never walked into a job knowing things that were sort of needed to know. I did have to learn the system, and how things went, that was easy. There is always training no matter what the job is, I am still learning new things here and there. I had my 6 month evaluation and I have never had such a good one. My supervisor is wonderful, she went over the whole thing with me and it always good to know what you are doing well at and where you need to improve. I have been handed evalves in the past and they don't go over it with me, they hand it to me and say here sign it when your done and give it back to me. Alrighty then....Right now at work we are getting new carpet and my department is getting rearranged so we are in a temporary area and it kind of is stressful. But the stress and noise and smells will all be worth it in the end. :)
I am going to back track a little bit. When I moved back I was car-less, not only was I job hunting (at that time) I was looking to find some wheels. I test drove a few cars, but I ended up getting a Subaru. This was actually a car owned by my Grandpa, who lives here too. Sadly, with out getting to far into detail. Shortly after getting the car, the engine blew. At this point, I felt like nothing was going right. It was such a struggle for me at this time to wrap my head around things. I was down, I was for sure depressed. But having the support of the friends and family. I kept my head up and just went on, still was able to have fun during the time of it getting fixed. Thanks to my dad and brother, they helped make this all happen. After about a month I had my car back. Talk about feeling stranded.... I felt it!
So my grandpa, he is actually in a nursing home for Alzheimers. If you have ever know someone that has Alzheimers, it can be very hard to talk to them. When I moved back, I was scared to go see him, I wasn't sure what to expect. The last time I saw my grandpa I was in my teens and he was in New York at that time and I am sure we were on a trip to the Cape. So when we got there and him not knowing who I was or what my name was, was hard. Whats funny, is he calls me "puddin tails", I will take that. I have no idea where he gets this name from, but he smiles at me like he did when I was little. I know he knows who I am when he sees pictures of me, when I was younger. Deep down, I think he knows my my face just can't remember my name. He is such a wonderful man! He worked for GE and is super intelligent. I still have a hard time going and seeing him, its just different, can't have that fishing conversation with him or talk about his favorite baseball team. Its more like not like we used to. Miss those days. Whats nice is that we are able to go pick him up and take him anywhere we would like, its fun going to lunch and or dinner with him. He always smiles and laughs when were out and about. When he drinks a coke, which he doesn't get that often, he slurps it down so fast. I'm sure I would too, if I didn't get to have one everyday.
I did take a big step, about a month or so ago now. I went ahead and applied for college. When filling out the application, I was feeling relived. Like I was doing something that has been on my to do list way too long. When I clicked the submit button, it was like a huge sigh of relief. Well I applied to get a degree in photography. Talk about waiting to know if your getting in or not..... I was so happy the night I came home and opened that envelope and it said I had been accepted and will be starting in the spring of 2014! This was a huge step for me, a step in the direction that I have been wanting to go. Things were looking up after this! So soon I will be learning the trick and trades of the camera. Boy oh boy, I really can't wait. I have never been one that has enjoyed school. I was the child in school who did what they needed to do, just so they could pass. GO ME! Not really. I am going to do my darnest to stay focused with school and get a degree!
As of today, I am living my life to the fullest. I am hanging with friends, staying out late, and crafting more and more each day. Lately I have been working on headbands (circlet headband) and crocheting ear warmers. I am getting ready for a craft fair. I have been busy busy!
I actually went out for Halloween and had a wonderful time. There was four of us and we went as Minions. :) We were a hit, people asking to take their pictures with us. We all know how it is to have paparazzi around! What a blast, I have never had that much fun.
I think I have shared most of the last 9 months of my life with y'all. I am going to share some pictures with you now. Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I am going to try really hard to start getting back into blogging. I could share more with y'all, but I am going to stop here. I started this post about 3 hours ago! Shucks, its off to bed I go.
Happy Girls are the Prettiest. - Audrey Hepburn
Loved reading your post, Heather. I am sorry about all the downs you had, but also glad you "found yourself" again - that is really great. So sorry about your grandfather, memories are we what makes us stronger {good or bad} and I can not imagine losing that or have a loved one who no longer knows me, although I do think {hope?}, deep down, they remember. Now, do as Alex said, and update that shit ! Looking forward to your posts again :-)
So proud of you!! Miss you and love you tons!!